1. Mila

    Hi! Thanks for a really nice blog with a lot of very useful information! I’m quite new to Portals and I am trying to figure out if it is possible to have a global filter on a list on the Home page (or any page), so that when it is selected it is also applied for all subpages too. Do you know if that is possible…?
    I have one table with countries and one table with cities, with a one-to-may relationship. My goal is to have a list of countries on the Home page, with a filter on it (drop down). When I then choose a country from the drop down on the Home page I would like the same filter to be applied to all the subpages too so that when I navigate to a subpage with my list of cities I only see the records that are related to that country which has been selected on the Home page. Any idea on how to make this, or something similar to it? 🙂

  2. Mehul Agrawal

    Hi! Thanks for a really nice blog with a lot of very useful information! I’m quite new to Portals and I am trying to figure out if it is possible to have a
    1. filter on the subgrid of the basic form not showing, it’s showing in the tables form designer, we’ve enabled allow filtering property is enabled but not showing in the website basic form’s subgrid. OR
    See the attached image URL to understand scenario – https://ibb.co/VCFx0wR
    2.Search box not working when column is related to another table entity, it’s working for some column which are main entity columns but not working for other entities column.
    See the attached image URL to understand scenario – https://ibb.co/XLyqFBp
    Can you please help us on this if anyone of this could work?

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